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About Us

Indonesia Marketing Competition (IMOTION) is one of the biggest national marketing events held by undergraduate students in Indonesia who want to enhance their marketing knowledge. This event is held annually by Management Student Society (MSS), Faculty of Economic and Business University of Indonesia.


Happy bisa sharing tentang marketing, berharap bisa ketemu lagi. Peserta semangat dan memberikan pertanyaan yang menarik. Satu kata untuk imotion: keren, sukses, dan berkelanjutan.
Kimiko Hikari Zuhria
Halal Mass Brand Building Senior Executive at Paragon
Senang dan acaranya baik dimana terdapat competition yang dapat menjadi bekal untuk nantinya dan insightful. Peserta cukup antusias dan pertanyaannya kritis. Satu kata untuk imotion: inspiratif
Joanne Victoria
Case Analyst Intern at Markplus, Corp. Islamic Business FEB UI 2020) More than just a competition, the Indonesia Marketing Competition offered a series of events that transformed myself, guidance from experts, strong friendships, and beautiful memories. Winning is a bonus, the most important thing is the invaluable knowledge, experience, and friendship I gained. It was like an adventure that enriched my knowledge and opened my eyes to the dynamic marketing world. I would highly recommended to participate in IMOTION FEB Ul for any students, its the right platform to enhance your skill and knowledge
Audi Maulana Ihsan
1st Winner of Video Marketing Competition The 17th IMOTION. Case Analyst Intern at Markplus, Corp. Islamic Business FEB UI 2020


TikTok Challenge

12 Jul - 23 Aug

Normal Registration

10 Aug - 15 Sep


23 Aug

Competition Training

Exclusive training for all IMOTION's competition participants. The training will discuss competitions and papermaking

14 Sep

Company Visit

A company visit gives the 17th IMOTION's committees the chance to tour a business or organization in order to learn more about it, notably marketing

18 Nov

Pitching Simulation

19 Nov

Marketing Talk

A formal seminar intended for the public who are interested in advanced marketing knowledge from academicians, marketing experts, and government officials.

20 Nov

Competition Day

21 Nov

Awarding Night

A farewell event for the 18th IMOTION participants and committee that consist of closing ceremony, art performance, and announcement of the winners in each competition

22 Nov

Previous Speakers




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